Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Feliz Navidad

Feliz Navidad!

Hi everyone, it is time for another update! Sorry it has been awhile, it has been a busy last couple of days.

Well the Christmas season is upon us, even though it does not look like it here. We have had steady temperatures in the 80ish, so the song " It is Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas" does not really apply here. However, we are very excited for Christmas.

This past week was pretty crazy at Carachipampa Christian School. Grades were due this week and we had our Christmas Program on Thursday Night. Grades had to be in on Monday, so this weekend was spent calculating grades and figuring out comments. This week was filled with practice for the program, Christmas Music, Christmas Crafts and Christmas Goodies. The kids were very crazy all this week, but it was fun to see them excited for Christmas. The Christmas Program went really well. The kids did a great job and they were very cute. On Friday we had a Christmas Party and watched " The Best Christmas Pageant Ever".

It was very strange to say goodbye to my students and to think that I will not see them for 3 weeks. Granted I am excited for the break and for some peace and quiet, but I have gotten use to seeing these kids every week.

This week also brought about the end of our first half of our teaching in Bolivia. It is crazy to think that we are about halfway done. Overall, it has been a pretty good semester. It has been full of ups and downs, but it is making me a better teacher and it has helped me draw closer to God. I knew that coming down here would teach me a lot and it has. I have continued to learn that being a teacher means that you are a therapist, a counselor, a mom and a teacher. I have also learned that even though you feel called to teach, it does not always mean that it is easy. One passage that has really helped me through the hard times of this job is 2 Corinthians 4:7-10,16-18. These verses talk about how we have power from God to help us get through the hard times and that we will face hard times but they will not destroy us. My mom reminded me of these verses when I was having a rough week about a month ago and they have been brought to my mind often since them. I would encourage you to read these verses and hopefully they will be an encouragement to you!

Saturday Night was our Christmas Party with SIM. We had a version of a White Elephant Exchange and I ended up with the DVDs UP and Terminal. We also had a time of singing Christmas Carols and the kids had a present swap. It was so fun to see how excited the little kids were about their gifts. After the party, some of us went to a friends apartment and watched Elf. It was all in all a fun night.

On Monday and Tuesday of this week a group of 5 of us went to a cabin that SIM owns, which is about 45 minutes outside of Coch. We enjoyed two days of relaxing, chatting, barbecuing, reading, singing/listening to music, making smores, and watching a movie. This morning we even took the canoe out and got caught in some rain. Overall it was a fun two days!

Well I hope that you are all enjoying the Holiday Season with your loved ones.

I am excited to celebrate with friends here, but I am also going to miss being home for Christmas! Please pray for contentment over the Holidays as I will be away from home and wishing that I am with my family.