Monday, November 29, 2010

3 months down, 6 months to go

Buenas Tardes,
Greetings from Bolivia. It is hard to believe that we have been here for over three months now. I officially have less than 6 months left.
These past couple of weeks have been pretty good overall, but busy. I started teaching 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade PE two weeks ago, and that has been an adventure and a half. As some of you may know, I am not the most athletic person in the world. I love to watch sports on TV and in person, but me playing them is a totally different story. I have no hand eye coordination, and am not really competitive. How did I get myself into this you ask? Well our PE teacher had to leave in the middle of November, and we did not have anyone to cover for him, so different teachers had to fill in. Since I am only teaching in the morning, I was asked to teach the elementary PE classes in the afternoon, and I reluctantly said YES! But it is all for the kids right :)

My class is still going well. I have had a few issues with students and their parents recently, but I have been able to receive a lot of support from the other teachers at the school which has been a huge blessing. Through all this I am learning what it takes to become a better teacher and how to handle challenging situations with grace. Please be praying that I would continue to have wisdom to approach these situations and know how to teach these specific students.

The Christmas program is coming up in a few weeks, and my students have been practicing their parts in music class and in our classroom. All the elementary teachers got a copy of the Christmas music on CD to play in our classes. We have been listening to it a lot, and I think the students have fully memorized their song. They are going to sing "Good Christian Men Rejoice" and they will be attempting to do Irish step dancing along with it! I am excited to see how it turns out.

In math we have started a new chapter about time. Math is a hard subject for a lot of my students, so I am hoping that this will go well! In our reading curriculum this past week, we read a story about baseball. This was especially fun because some of my students had not heard of baseball before. I was able to teach them about the different positions on the field and the different rules, and we were even able to play some baseball in P.E. ( the perks of being the gym teacher and the classroom teacher :) ). Next week's story is from the Ramona series. I use to love reading the Ramona books by Beverly Cleary when I was little, so I think this will be a fun week!

Of course, this past week was Thanksgiving! It did not feel like Thanksgiving with the warm weather, working all week long and not being with my family. However, we were able to have a really fun Thanksgiving! Most of the teachers at the school were invited to a family's house for Thanksgiving dinner. All of us brought a side dish, and we were able to share in a feast together. It was so much fun and made me so THANKFUL for the family that I have found here. Here are some things that I am thankful for this Thanksgiving season!

T- Thankful for all of you who have made it possible for me to be here
H- Health, I am thankful for good health, and I hope I will be feeling back to normal soon :)
A- Adventures, I am thankful for the adventures I have had here and those I will have during the rest of my stay in Bolivia
N- New Friends- Thankful for the great friends that I have made here
K- Kids, I am thankful for the students in my class and the impact that I can have on them
F- Food- I am thankful for the yummy Bolivian food that I have been able to eat
U- Unconditional Love- I am thankful for the Unconditional Love that God gives me, even though I do not deserve it!
L- Learning- I am thankful for all that I am learning about myself, God and other cultures while I am here

It is hard to believe that we have only 3 more weeks before Christmas vacation. Christmas vacation will bring about the halfway point of our time in Bolivia. We are starting to think about our Christmas break plans, which is really exciting. We think we will go to La Paz and spend some time at a really pretty lake called Lake Titicaca.

Other Exciting News is that my Mom will be here to visit in January. I am really looking forward to seeing her!!

Hope you are all doing well!

Adios!! - Rachel

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Buenas Tardes!

Here is a Summary from my Ministry Exposure Trip/Vacation we took last week:

We left on the overnight bus to Santa Cruz on Friday night. We left around 10:00 and it was a pretty uneventful trip. We traveled in a Buscama, which means that the seats recline and you have a nice foot rest. So it was a very comfortable trip, even for someone that is 6'2. We were all able to sleep pretty well and we arrived in Santa Cruz about 7:30 am. We then were on a search to find a bus that would take us to San Ramon( where we would be visiting the Missionaries). We were able to find a bus that left at 9:00am, so we bought our tickets and then waited until it was time to leave. We got on the bus around 9am and then had a 3 hour bus ride to San Ramon.

In San Ramon we met up with The Nelsons, a couple that has been in Bolivia for 26 years. They spent two of those years in Cochabamba, about 15 years in Santa Cruz and they have been in San Ramon for about 8 years. In San Ramon, The Nelsons minister to the Quechua people in the local churches there. They are focusing on Discipleship and helping grow leaders in the church. Don provides Seminary Classes for the men in the churches and Doreen focuses on Woman's Ministry. We were able to attend a church service at one of the churches that they minister at. It was a small gathering, but full of people who loved God and wanted to learn. Don gave the sermon in Spanish( which I was able to understand!) and he spoke about the life of Moses. I enjoyed my experience at this church, everyone was very welcoming and it was great to see what God is doing there.

The rest of our time in San Ramon, was spent visiting different sites and hanging out with the Nelsons. We took several long drives to see the beautiful landscape. It is quite different than Cochabamba out there. We were basically in the Jungle. There were palm trees mixed with regular deciduous trees, there were a lot of cows and lots of different rivers. One day we took a drive to a river that flows into the Amazon. There we were able to hear a lot of different types of birds and see fish in the river. It was fun to be there, because my kids just stopped learning about the Rain-forest in my classroom.

One morning we were able to visit a Christian School in the next town over. This school is open for both Primary and Secondary Students. We were able to meet with the director of the school to learn more about the school and what is going on. Throughout our conversation we learned that they are in a pretty big financial crisis. We heard about the needs they had and then were able to walk around the school and meet some of the kids. Even though there such a big financial problem all of the kids and the teachers were full of life and had a smile on their face. Please be praying for this school, that they would be able to get the financial help they need and that God would continue to work there.

On Our last day in San Ramon we traveled about an hour to a town called San Javier. San Javier used to be a location for a Jesuit Mission back in the 1700's. The Temple and part of the Mission are still there, so it was fun to be able to see the old structures and to learn more about the Jesuits. After walking around the Mission, we went to lunch at a place that is owned by a friend of the Nelsons, where we had delicious Fettuccine Alfredo and were able to swim in his swimming pool for the afternoon. It was definitely a fun way to end the trip!

On Wednesday morning we took a taxi back to Santa Cruz, where we stayed in a Hotel for the next two days. It was nice to be able to relax in an air conditioned room and swim in a nice pool! We were also able to meet up with some SIM missionaries in Santa Cruz, that we had meet about a month ago. We had a fun time going to dinner and ice cream with them and catching up with them.

On Friday Morning, we boarded a bus for a 10 hour ride back to Cochabamba. We arrived safely at 7pm and enjoyed a nice relaxing weekend!

We started classes again yesterday morning, which went well. The kids were a little crazy, but all in all it went well!

Hope you are all doing well!

Here is a link to the pictures from my trip:

Adios! - Rachel